As one of the online media in the city of Medan, www.medanmendai.com play an important role in helping meet the demand for information Medan city that continues to grow in a way that is responsible economically, environmentally and socially. In Medan, Medan Mendai employ more than one person and doing business in the upstream and downstream sectors
Mendai Medan in Medan
Mendai Medan in Medan operating in the upstream and downstream sectors. In the downstream sector, business activity Medan Mendai includes city information, news, advertising, coverage, lisfestyle and events. In the upstream sector, Medan Mendai an online media to promote and elevate the company Medan Mendai, including services, and the services around the needs of IT.
Our head office in Jl Namorambe dusun III Jatikesuma, North Sumatra - Indonesia.
Our values
Our key values of honesty, integrity, and respect for others becomes the basis of the formation of General Business Principles Medan Mendai.
our contribution
Terrain Mendai committed to ongoing information in areas and communities where www.medanmendai.com conduct business activities. This social activity is driven by a commitment to ongoing information and belief that our long-term business success will depend on our ability to create the right balance between economic growth, concern for the environment, and social development that is equitable. Get more information about our Social Investment Program in Indonesia.
Sekilas Tentang MEDAN MENDAI
As one of the online media in the city of Medan, www.medanmendai.com play an important role in helping meet the demand for information Medan city that continues to grow in a way that is responsible economically, environmentally and socially. In Medan, Medan Mendai employ more than one person and doing business in the upstream and downstream sectors
Mendai Medan in Medan
Mendai Medan in Medan operating in the upstream and downstream sectors. In the downstream sector, business activity Medan Mendai includes city information, news, advertising, coverage, lisfestyle and events. In the upstream sector, Medan Mendai an online media to promote and elevate the company Medan Mendai, including services, and the services around the needs of IT.
Our head office in Jl Namorambe dusun III Jatikesuma, North Sumatra - Indonesia.
Our values
Our key values of honesty, integrity, and respect for others becomes the basis of the formation of General Business Principles Medan Mendai.
our contribution
Terrain Mendai committed to ongoing information in areas and communities where www.medanmendai.com conduct business activities. This social activity is driven by a commitment to ongoing information and belief that our long-term business success will depend on our ability to create the right balance between economic growth, concern for the environment, and social development that is equitable. Get more information about our Social Investment Program in Indonesia.
Sekilas Tentang MEDAN MENDAI
Sebagai salah satu media online di kota Medan, www.medanmendai.com memainkan peran penting dalam membantu memenuhi permintaan informasi kota Medan yang terus bertumbuh dengan cara yang bertanggung jawab secara ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial. Di Medan, Medan Mendai mempekerjakan lebih dari 1 orang dan menjalankan bisnis di sektor Hulu maupun Hilir
Medan Mendai di Kota Medan
Medan Mendai di kota Medan menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya di sektor hulu dan hilir. Di sektor hilir, aktivitas bisnis Medan Mendai meliputi informasi kota, berita, iklan, liputan, lisfestyle dan event. Di sektor hulu, Medan Mendai merupakan media online untuk mempromosikan dan mengangkat perusahaan Medan Mendai, termasuk jasa, layanan dan kebutuhan seputar IT.
Kantor pusat kami di Jl Namorambe dusun III Jatikesuma, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.
Nilai-nilai kami
Nilai-nilai utama kami yaitu kejujuran, integritas, dan rasa hormat kepada orang lain menjadi dasar terbentuknya Prinsip-prinsip Umum Bisnis Medan Mendai.
Kontribusi kami
Medan Mendai memiliki komitmen terhadap informasi berkelanjutan di wilayah-wilayah dan komunitas dimana www.medanmendai.com melakukan aktivitas bisnisnya. Aktivitas sosial ini didorong oleh komitmen terhadap informasi yang berkelanjutan dan keyakinan bahwa kesuksesan bisnis jangka panjang kami akan bergantung pada kemampuan kami untuk menciptakan keseimbangan yang tepat antara pertumbuhan ekonomi, kepedulian kepada lingkungan, dan pembangunan kemasyarakatan yang merata. Dapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Program Investasi Sosial kami di Indonesia.